

(EX: a member of the general public, a UD student, staff or faculty, part of an organized group etc.
How likely are you to engage with Native American and Indigenous cultures after visiting this exhibition? (e.g., attending events, visiting exhibitions, reading materials)
(e.g., attending events, visiting exhibitions, reading materials)
How would you rate your overall experience of the exhibition "MINE: What is Ours in the Wake of Extraction"?
Which aspect of the exhibition did you connect with the most?
After viewing the exhibition, how has your understanding of the impact of illegal gold mining changed?
After viewing the exhibition, how has your understanding of the challenges of Indigenous communities in the Amazon changed?
Do you feel motivated to engage in behaviors that could help address the issues presented in the exhibition?
How effective was the exhibition in connecting the local issues of the Amazon to global challenges related to environmental degradation and human rights?
How likely are you to share what you learned from this exhibition with others (friends, family, colleagues)?
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